Friday, August 13, 2004

Changes @Roundhere

Well, you may have noticed that this is no longer my travel-log. I'm sorry to say that I kindof lost the whole blog-posting bug while I was down in Cuba. (shhh..)
Really though, it's not a number one priortiy to be writing all about what you're doing while you're doing it. It's also a little limiting when you're in a country where the general population is restricted from most of the things we take for granted, including using the internet.
So, from now on this page will be a normal blog (yeah I hear ya Yawn) I'll post on here all the things you usually find on blogs such as my crazy ramblings and biased opinions, but that's what these things are all about right. You'll (whoever reads this thing) also be able to see pictures from whatever's going on roundhere in Athens, GA and wherever else I might find myself with a camera.
Until next time, and I'm finished with my damn independent study, I'll leave you with this classic.

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